
Cryptocurrency: Everyone Makes Money, Who Loses?


People in the cryptocurrency circle are saying that you can make money by buying anything in a bull market, so let me ask: "Everyone makes money, who loses money?"

The 80/20 rule in the financial market means that a small number of people make money, while most people lose money. If you don't understand and don't learn, how can you be a small number of people?

From last year to this year, I believe that people who have such views have experienced what I said. Obviously, the market has been rising from last year to this year, but their accounts have been decreasing.

Here is a sentence for everyone: "The reason why the rich are rich is not because they get rich overnight or suddenly get rich, but because they have mastered the ability and thinking to make money.

The reason why Buffett was able to trade for 70-80 years and became the world's richest man is because he mastered the correct trading method. #大盘走势 $BTC $ETH


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