
People in the Cryptocurrency Circle: Who are they and What have they achieved


Are people in the cryptocurrency circle really rich? Where are the real big guys in the cryptocurrency circle? Who are these people who are still in the cryptocurrency circle?

Who are still in the cryptocurrency circle now? Before thinking about this question, let's think about who are the people who have left the cryptocurrency circle?

I personally think there are only two types of people

First: They have made enough money and quit the circle

Second: They have lost all their money, are heartbroken, and their families are broken up

There is only one type of person who is still in the circle

They are all unwilling to give up

Maybe they have made a lot of money and lost it again.

Or maybe they want to make money but haven't made any money yet

In short, they are unwilling to give up and want to get results in the cryptocurrency circle, but most people will only get deeper and deeper!

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Who are the people who made money in the early days of the cryptocurrency circle?

1. People who started early. This type of people have been exposed to Bitcoin for a long time, and they are far ahead of ordinary people from the starting point. When I knew about Bitcoin, it was already more than 10,000 US dollars per coin, but when they knew about it, it was still a few RMB per coin. For example, early game leveling, while playing games, mining, can mine more than a dozen coins a day, the cost difference can be imagined.

2. People who run mining farms, this type of people is even more powerful, a computer can only mine a dozen coins 24 hours a day, they directly rent land to build factories, and use hundreds of professional mining machines to mine. Even if the cost is higher than the earliest batch of people, the advantage of quantity is incomparable.

3. People who run exchanges. How do you cash out the mined coins? Naturally, you need a powerful exchange worldwide. Of course, you are not allowed to trade for free, so pay some fees. The handling fee for a single transaction is not high, but it cannot withstand the large number of transactions worldwide.

4. People who provide services for the currency circle. This is just like the gold rush in the United States a long time ago. Most people bought shovels to dig for gold, but there was one person who did not dig for gold. Instead, he provided services to the gold diggers, such as providing trousers that were not easily worn out. This is how jeans came about. Not many people got rich by digging for gold, but the one who sold trousers did get rich.It’s the same in the cryptocurrency world. Some people don’t mine. I provide mining machines for those of you who mine.


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