
My Cryptocurrency Investment Journey as a Sophomore


Cryptocurrency investment notes for sophomores

Hello everyone, I am a sophomore student. With curiosity about cryptocurrency, I bravely entered the market with 50,000 yuan of capital. Today, my spot profit has reached 210,000 yuan. Although I am still far from my goal of one million yuan, I believe that my dream will eventually come true.

Amid the volatility of Bitcoin, I learned to observe market dynamics. When Bitcoin rose from 50,000 points to 64,000 points, I chose to be bearish but not short, and my judgment was verified. Although I missed the surge, I still maintain confidence.

Now, I operate cautiously and add positions at the right time. Regarding the spot market, I remain optimistic and look forward to Bitcoin reaching new highs in the bull market.

In addition, I am particularly bullish on the 1INCH coin and have already held a large amount of it, planning to continue buying when the market pulls back.

Investment is a long-distance race that requires patience and perseverance. I will continue to learn and improve my investment capabilities. Thanks to Binance Plaza for letting me share my experience, and everyone is welcome to exchange and learn together!

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