
The Inside Story of the Currency Circle


Is there any inside story in the currency circle?

1. You think the success rate of playing contracts is 50%, but in fact, not even 10% of them make money.

2. When you hear that something is very profitable, it’s basically time to take over.

3. When you think the market is finished and everything is going to zero, a bull market is often about to come.

4. When you become more and more certain that a currency is going to skyrocket, it is often the time when the dealer takes action.

5. You think it is easy to make money in the currency circle, but in fact it is easier to lose money.

6. You think KOLs are very profitable. In fact, KOLs who don’t cut leeks, lie to people, or issue coins may not have as much income as you.

7. You think the native dog has a chance to double 100 times. In fact, the return rate of the native dog is 99.99%.

8. You think the dealer is your enemy and you have to defeat him. In fact, the dealer is our thigh. Only by hugging him tightly can we drink the soup.

9. Do you think the currency circle should be a value investment? In fact, all coins have no value. What generates value is human greed.

10. You think that getting rich in the currency circle depends on hard work, but in fact it depends entirely on luck. $BTC $ETH


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