
重塑与复苏 Wash dishesThe most suffocating operation in the currency circle is the dealers wash, especia


Wash dishesThe most suffocating operation in the currency circle is the dealer’s wash, especially the deep wash that lasts for several years.It was a feeling that made all retail investors cut off their flesh, everyone's faith collapsed, and they suddenly exclaimed and beat their chests and feet crazily.Several times of dishwashing we have personally experiencedDOGE: Dogecoin was born in 2013. The price of the currency has been extremely low all year round and even the founder has liquidated and ran away.After N years of shuffling, there are no projects that no one is optimistic about.It suddenly became popular in 2021, and the number increased by more than 700 times after a few calls from the richest man. Countless people regretted it.ETC: Since it successively registered on the three major exchanges in 2017, ETC has been tepid. In the bull market in 2017, it only rose to 47 dollars. Then the price continued to slump, maintaining at 3-5 dollars all year round, making everyone despair again and again. Finally cut off the meat and leave.As a result, in 2021, etc. suddenly broke out, and the price was directly raised to 180 dollars. All the friends who cut the meat regretted it.LTC: Before 2017, LTC has been maintained at around 3-5 dollars. Everyone also thinks that this altcoin is not outstanding. If you have money, it is more practical to buy Bitcoin. As a result, it is such an inconspicuous altcoin. With its popularity in the third The advantages of being able to trade on large exchanges directly increased to 370 dollars, an annual increase of 100 times.Summary: Old coins that are well-known, have been sold out by retail investors, and are relatively cheap may be the targets of deep reshuffle and rejuvenation, but these are only a small part of the projects.


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