
Cryptocurrency Investment Strategy: Choosing the Right Coins


In the currency circle, the next step to make money when buying is to focus on the leading coins in the sector.

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For those new to the cryptocurrency world, choosing which digital currencies to invest in can be a confusing question. Here is a concise list of leading coins for your reference:

1. Market leader:

BTC (Bitcoin) - the leader in the currency circle, with high market share, and is the benchmark of the cryptocurrency market.

ETH (Ethereum) - the second largest currency in the currency circle, the cornerstone of smart contracts and decentralized applications.

2. Platform currency and ecology:

BNB (Binance Coin) – Binance exchange’s platform coin with multiple uses.

OKB (OKEx Coin) - The platform currency of the OKEx exchange, used for discounts on trading fees, etc.

SOL (Solana) Ecosystem - a high-performance blockchain platform, including sol, ray, python and other tokens.

3. Leaders in specific fields:

Social - focus on tokens with social attributes, such as cyber.

AI section - FET, WLD and other tokens focusing on the field of artificial intelligence.

DeFi lending - tokens of decentralized financial lending platforms such as aave and comp.

NFT - The leader in the non-fungible token (NFT) market like blur.

Metaverse - Sand, mana and other tokens related to Metaverse concepts.

4. Other currencies worthy of attention:

LTC (Litecoin) - an established cryptocurrency with fast transaction confirmation speeds.

ETC (Ethereum Classic) - The continuation of the original Ethereum chain, focusing on decentralization and immutability.

BCH (Bitcoin Cash) - A fork of Bitcoin designed to provide greater block capacity and faster transaction speeds.

Cross-chain leaders - dot, atom and other tokens focusing on interoperability between different blockchains.


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