
The Success Factors of BTC


Many people have been speculating in coins for many years.

In fact, I don’t know the underlying logic of BTC’s success:

As a black hole that continuously absorbs fiat currency

There are four success factors for BTC:

1. Decentralization (no centralized person or organization can do evil)

2.POW mining (the cost of electricity determines the cost of COIN)

3. It continues to be halved every four years, so the difficulty increases, the mining cost increases, and the price increases.

4. Use UTXO accounting to avoid double spending.

If there is no disruptive innovation in BTC, it is impossible to pose any challenge to BTC. Since ETH gave up POW, it gave up the track of world currency and switched to the direction of world computer. The ceiling is much lower. Even if ETH did not give up POW, it would not be successful in becoming a world currency. It is better to give up early.

The two most important points in the nature of world currency are: satisfying large-scale payments and satisfying long-term appreciation as a store of value.

Many people say that the key to BTC's success is its consensus. If you say this, you probably haven't gotten started in currency trading yet and you still need to learn.

I think a major altcoin rally in the cryptocurrency market is coming!

That is to say, the general rising market that the public is looking forward to, the market that makes money by lying down!

However, what I am struggling with is whether to lurk potential leaders in each track, or whether to focus on the hottest tracks and lay out heavy positions...

The funds of the former are too scattered, and you can't earn a few copper coins, but when the track rotates, one or two always stand out.

The latter's funds are concentrated on betting, and profits fly after taking off. However, if the bet is wrong, the good market will be wasted and the opportunity cost will be large...

So, a quick question: How many altcoins have you ambushed for the upcoming altcoin season? I think a major altcoin rally in the cryptocurrency market is coming! That is to say, the general rising market that the public is looking forward to, the market that makes money by lying down!

However, what I am struggling with is whether to lurk potential leaders in each track or focus on the most popular track layout... The funds in the former are too scattered, and you can’t earn a few copper coins. Exchange qun嶶1742540051 but the track rotation There are always one or two who stand out. The latter concentrate their funds on betting, and profits will fly after taking off. However, if the bet is wrong, then the good market will be wasted, and the opportunity cost will be large...

So, a quick question: How many altcoins have you ambushed for the upcoming altcoin season? #BNBChain #BOME #ID #BTC #CFX


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