
Ironclad Investment Rules for Newcomers: A Guide to Success


Have you memorized the nine ironclad investment rules that newcomers must know?BI circle investment rules:1. Avoid frequent currency exchanges: Feng Shui is changing, and hold it patiently.2. Be wary of popular coins: when hype is excessive, the risk is extremely high.3. Don’t believe the promise of 100 times the currency: the real income is difficult to predict, so be careful not to be fooled.4. Be careful with contracts in the bull market: the risk is high and it is difficult to survive.5. Stay clear-headed: In the face of market frenzy, calmly analyze risks and returns.6. Indicators not to trust the contract: it is controlled by the banker and it is easy to liquidate the position. Trust your currency: Those who survive the bear market will rise in the bull market.7. Fund allocation: large funds invest in mainstream products, while small funds look for copycat opportunities. Go with the trend: take advantage of large short-term fluctuations and seize the long-term trend.8. Be cautious: evacuate in time to avoid a sharp decline in assets. If you like spot goods and have them in Tun, nod your head and follow Tianya. I have gathered the bull market strategy deployments of multiple powerful bloggers and shared them with all fans for free. Currently, they are open to fans for free.I need fans, you need referencesThere are usually daily contract contracts and position management.IRONCLADINVESTMENTRULESFORNEWCOMERSAGUIDETOSUCCESS


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