
Real cases tell you that those who can make money in this circle are not ordinary people.


A real-life friend of mine was born in 1995. He resigned from his job in 2020 and concentrated on studying the currency circle at home. Now his net worth is close to 9 figures. Not to mention being able to have wealth freedom in first-tier cities, at least in most cities it is considered wealth freedom.

As an ordinary person, he is lucky, but as a person in the currency circle, he is unfortunate.

Why do you say he is lucky? Fortunately, he can transcend the level of ordinary people, use the knowledge he has learned to make money, and make money based on his knowledge. To put it simply, you know, I don’t know, you know, I I don’t understand, this is called information gap. In the few years since he calmed down, none of our generations could have made so much money.

Why is he unfortunate? In the currency circle, he can endure the temptation of making money forever, endure the temptation of young models at night, and abandon the real circle. At least few of us can do these things! Only he himself knows how painful he has been in these past few years.

So from the beginning of the currency circle, there have always been a few people who have made a fortune, because most people can't do it. So why is it so secretive for ordinary people to make a fortune in the cryptocurrency industry? I think the so-called secret is early information channels and execution capabilities.

In addition, I am certain that there is a holy grail for making money in the currency circle, but it is impossible for others to tell you about this holy grail, let alone spend money to buy it. And this kind of Holy Grail has a slightly restrictive threshold, so this Holy Grail that is far away from us is a reward given to those people by God.


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