
METIS Embraces DAC: The Future of Web3 Organizational Structure


At the two levels of the Web3 organizational structure, $METIS chose DAC

At the two levels of the Web3 organizational structure, there are two organizational forms represented by centralization and decentralization: platforms represented by companies and social communities represented by DAO

I won’t talk about the main body of the company in detail. Exchanges or project development entities are typical of this organizational structure

The reason why I call DAO a social community here is that it is more organized than some scattered communication communities and project communities, and is more like a virtual social system on the chain

The Metis I wrote about before only talked about its technical principles and some views with its own differentiation in some sections. Although Metis after that, not only successfully logged in #Binance also successfully launched a decentralized sorter, but the chain's ecology is still at the starting point

This article mainly wants to discuss a relatively important strategic direction in the early development stage of Metis, the organizational structure paradigm - DAC, that is, decentralized company

DAC is a bit like a new Web3 subject paradigm that combines the two levels of the scale: company and DAO, or it is simply a derivative form of DAO, focusing on the development of the organization by focusing on some of the on-chain construction and decision-making on some more commercial modules

Metis previously chose an organizational structure such as DAC, which is closely related to promoting the fit between ecology and token economics: individuals register or join a DAC through staking to obtain incentives for the corresponding plan, and promote business through a set of automated management frameworks

Even though there are few voices about Metis' DAC at present, we can see from this development strategy that on the basis of DAC, Metis defines the expansion of the on-chain business model under the basic model of DAO governance

DAC is a strategic move set in the early development stage of Metis:Metis is based on DAC The killer value proposition of Web3 is to become the center of the entire Web3 economy

But as an early strategic direction, whether it will become a main development line again in the future may require the development opportunities of the DAO sector to promote it

(After all, DAO is the most native term of Web3, and it is also an organizational status that will be discussed more or less during the development and construction of the project, but there are really not many organizations that have large-scale reference significance)


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