
AI+Web3: Infrastructure, Ethereum L2, and BTC Ecology Insights


1. AI+Web3:

a) Infrastructure $Fil $AR $RNDR $Akt $Near (It has risen well recently, so it’s a good thing)

$IO "io.net is a centralized GPU project that I just saw in the WeChat group last night and it's pretty good." $Rose is also included. Those who do data privacy at level 1 are very good at converting to AI...

b) The middle layer handles data identity data processing and verification, such as world currency $WLD $Ocean $TAO $GRT (the graph), etc.;

c) AI application layer: I haven’t seen very good results in the secondary market at present, but there are quite a few in the primary market, such as Agency\AIGC\data analysis and prediction software, etc. Of course, I am also helping with investment and financing for projects (please DM me if you are interested)

2. Ethereum L2: After the Cancun upgrade, L2 is more independent. Recently, more#Memeand ecological projects will explode in other chains. I look forward to $Metis $Arb $base $AVAX $APT (apt will soon tour CX in the Asian market). I look forward to you CX me other!

3. BTC Ecology: This is a new battlefield opened up, with many opportunities and will not die. Compared with investing human, financial and resources in public chains such as Ethereum, developers prefer the Bitcoin ecosystem. There are airdrops for rune stones. If you don’t have the support of capital, you would dare to issue airdrops like this... Capital is optimistic about this agreement; of course there are the clichéd L2s. In addition, $CKB has made a lot of moves recently, and it needs to be big. It’s ecological, you can pay attention to it.

I like spot goods and want to raise funds together to stock up on spot stocks in the bull market.

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