
Big Changes for New Coin #Saga


The new coin #Saga was originally scheduled to go online at 10 o'clock tonight, but it has been advanced to 4 o'clock in the afternoon. There are two key information that need to be emphasized:

1. The share of Binance's new coin mining accounts for 75% of the online circulation!

In my impression, it seems that no new coin has such a large share. Although the initial report said that the circulation was 9%, the online circulation was 6%, and the new coin mining accounted for 4.5% of the total

This requires thinking about the general operation of the market for new coin mining after listing

2. Because of the complexity of SAGA's design and the game attributes, it may further increase the possibility of selling the share of new coin mining after the launch.

Because combined with the market performance of new coin game tokens in the past few issues, it will bring certain expected references to the market


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