
China Intensifies Measures on Tether Trading in Foreign Exchange Operations



The recent tightening of control over cryptocurrency trading in China, especially focused on the use of Tether (USDT) for operations in the foreign exchange market, represents a significant milestone in the Asian giant's regulatory policy. This article is dedicated to analyzing this development, considering its implications and challenges.

Stepping Up Regulatory Supervision: Chinese authorities, in a joint statement by the Supreme People's Procuratorate (SPP) and the State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE), have issued clear guidelines to strengthen surveillance over foreign exchange transactions, with special attention to the use of Tether. This measure is part of a broader effort to mitigate the financial risks associated with illegal currency trading. This approach is particularly relevant given that Tether, being pegged to the US dollar, offers a stability that makes it attractive for illegal yuan conversion.

Emblematic Cases and Exemplary Penalties: The cases cited by the prosecution, such as that of the cryptocurrency trader sentenced to seven years in prison for illicit operations using Tether, underline the seriousness with which China approaches these violations. This rigorous approach is a clear deterrent message against illegal currency trading, seeking to maintain the integrity of the national financial system. However, such measures could also lead to a migration of these activities towards less regulated markets and platforms.

Continuation of the Ban and Regulatory Challenges: The warning about the use of Tether and other stablecoins for cross-border transactions comes in a context where China had already imposed a significant ban on crypto activities. Despite these restrictions, cryptocurrencies like Tether remain popular in the country. This phenomenon highlights the complexity of regulating a sector as dynamic and decentralized as cryptocurrencies, where bans may not be completely effective.

Impact on Cryptocurrency Market: Despite increased regulation, China remains a key market for cryptocurrencies in East Asia. Underground traders use digital assets to conduct cross-border transactions, bypassing regulatory restrictions. This reality reflects the resilience and adaptability of the crypto market in the face of attempts at state control, and raises questions about the long-term effectiveness of such restrictive measures.

Anti-Money Laundering and Illegal Trade Efforts: The recent resolution of a money laundering case in Qingdao, linked to illegal currency trading with cryptocurrencies, illustrates China's continued efforts to combat illicit financial activities. While Chinese authorities emphasize their commitment to cracking down on these transactions, they also highlight the need for a balanced approach that does not stifle innovation and the legitimate potential of cryptocurrencies.

China's stance toward cryptocurrencies, especially Tether, reflects a tension between the desire for regulatory control and the inherently global and decentralized nature of digital assets. As Chinese authorities seek to protect their financial system, these measures could also have unforeseen consequences on the broader crypto market.


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