
Global Crypto News Update


1. Opensea launches NFT market protocol Seaport 1.6;

2. The founder of Terraform Labs will be extradited to South Korea as early as March 24;

3. The Prime Minister of Thailand met with Binance CEO to discuss regulations and digital asset market development plans;

4.BNB Chain launched the "Airdrop Alliance Plan", and multiple projects announced airdrop allocation details;

5. Foreign media: OKX terminates services in India and requires users to withdraw funds before April 30;

6. JUP DAO will inject 10 million USDC and 100 million JUP to accelerate the growth of Jupiverse;

7. BlackRock: The number of IBIT shares in circulation has exceeded 400 million, and as of March 20, Bitcoin holdings have reached nearly 240,000;

8.AirDAO: 35.2 million AMB and 125.51 ETH were stolen from the AMB/ETH Uniswap pool;

9. SLERF founder: Soul-bound NFT will be distributed to affected pre-sellers and refund contributors.


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