
Cryptocurrency Latest Updates


3.03 latest news:1. #memecoin’s leader changed, became the most eye-catching one, rising by more than 100% that day;2. In the evening, under the retracement, all#memecoinbegan to retrace;3. $WIF continues to create ATH, and its market value has entered the top 80, with a recent increase of more than 600%;4. $BSV $BCH seems to have started the halving market in advance, with an increase of more than 40% that day;5.#AIstarted to rise in the early morning, but now it has collectively fallen back, and funds are still insufficient;6.Phantom Lianchuang denies the news circulating in the community about selling user data;7.@XRGB404 launches X-404: redefining NFT trading standards;8. @puffer_finance seems to be stealing user points, please be aware that participating users should pay attention;9. @playbigtime is currently the only profitable chain game. It is reported that starting from the Chinese New Year period, it has maintained a stable 7-day payback;10. $pepe has reached a new all-time high and currently does not owe anyone;11.#BitcoinSmall picture of ecological DMT#natcatshas increased more than 10 times in a week, and basically no one has said anything about it;12. AI agency protocol @autonolas announces the launch of $OLAS token staking;13. The Uniswap Foundation’s proposal to “reward protocol fees to UNI holders” has been put up for voting; ($UNI broke 13 for the first time)have a good weekend!


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