
Weekend Market Reminder Important Information


Important reminder, the weekend market is coming:

Last night's short order has been profitable. Lao Deng's short order was from 3750 and he has been comfortable with more than 10,000 U. Yesterday, it was sideways during the day. Lao Deng also collected a lot of news. He feels that there will be a wave of market tonight, so follow Lao Deng's family members have eaten a lot of meat.

Judging from the various good news yesterday, bulls have begun to panic. Judging from the various data on the additional issuance of USDC, Wall Street's big bulls are also hedging data. Contract players should be careful, control their positions, and do not have a large amount of funds. Don’t do high leverage. Many contracts have been liquidated in these few hours. There will be a stretch after this wave of decline. I will post here late at night. The profit from tracking the market has been good recently. Interested students can follow Lao Deng , like and like!


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