
BTC Next Week's Trend Forecast: Buckle up for a Big Spike!


It’s too late to wait until Monday️️, the script for next week’s BTC trend has already come out‼ ️‼ ️

At the key integer mark of BTC to 6.9W. Many people are hesitating whether they can successfully hold on to the 7W integer mark, or whether they should go down and approach a later plunge. Therefore, we can see that the trading volume of BTC has dropped significantly in the past few days.

On the one hand, BlackRock, Musk and other big names are increasing their holdings of BTC. On the other hand, NVIDIA's stock price plunged on Friday night, leaving many investors scratching their heads.

So now Brother Wu is here with the standard answer. There will be a big spike in BTC next week. After breaking through 7W, it will hit back again. The violent fluctuations during this period may cause many people to liquidate their positions. If you are not sure, do not open a position casually, or pay attention to Five Brother, wait for Brother Wu’s real-time opportunity #BTC $BTC


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