
Entering the Currency Circle: Three Stages of Wisdom


Let’s share the three stages of entering the currency circle. Please don’t bet on the number. Don’t bet. The bet is your right.

In the first year, everyone often enters the bull market. I have never seen what I am beaten. It is too brave to make a brave mistake: it is so easy to make money. Yes, you stayed and washed dishes for three years.

In the second round of the bull market, those with poor understanding will be the same as in the first round. After riding a roller coaster, they will be left to wash dishes for three years; those with good understanding will remember the lessons learned at the end of the first round, and then overcorrect and not be brave enough and greedy. , stop profit and exit in advance.

The beginning of the third round of bull market is the real opportunity. With the experience learned from losing money in the two bull and bear rounds, everything looks like a time traveler cheating when I come back. The ICO in 2017, the small pictures and animal coins in 21, and the inscriptions in 23. Apart from some differences in form, I didn’t find any consensus on anything else

This market does not rely on seniority, but new leeks die faster than old leeks.

Faced with many questions from people who are entering the market for the first time, I generally have only one piece of advice: charge less money, you won’t be able to take it away.

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