
The Unstoppable Rise of Cryptocurrency


This world, in fact, our part of the world has a negative attitude towards cryptocurrency.

If you go out, don't go far, and just go to Hong Kong to take a look, you will find that the world can still be like this.

Cryptocurrencies are as popular here as fiat currencies​.

I think you will panic because you can’t understand these things and can’t keep up with them. You are completely behind the times.

Ten years ago, some people said that Bitcoin was a scam. At that time, the price of Bitcoin was 3,000 points and Bitcoin was 800 yuan;

Ten years later, there are still those people who say that Bitcoin is a scam. Big A is still 3,000 points, while Bitcoin is already 530,000.

I wonder if you felt the slightest regret after listening to these experts’ comments? ​Feel like you’ve been fooled?

The trend of the times is rolling forward and unstoppable.

I believe that in this bull market, Bitcoin will continue to refresh the entire human cognition and continue to reach new heights.

I think at the highest point, there will be countless novices flocking to it, but at that time they were just coming to the currency circle to give money.

This is the objective law of the investment world. It is always at the craziest times that countless novices will enter the market crazily and then be hung on the top of the mountain...

I hope that you who read Thirteen’s articles will not be one of them.

How to grasp this bull market? The investment methodology of Thirteen Circles can be said to be the most stable. Welcome to pay attention.


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