
Kamino Finance: Unlocking DeFi Potential for Solana Users


Recently, I have been mainly studying the sol ecology. I personally think that the revival of #Solana will be a hot spot in this bull market. Today I would like to introduce #Kamino , which is currently in the Season 1 stage of integration.

1. Project introduction

Kamino Finance is a protocol designed to provide users with the most convenient way to provide liquidity and obtain on-chain income, and is incubated by Hubble Protocol. Initially, the protocol quickly became the most popular LP product on Solana with its one-click automated compounding centralized liquidity strategy and laid the foundation for Kamino’s development. Now, Kamino combines lending, liquidity provision, and leverage capabilities into one secure DeFi product. On Kamino, users can:

Asset Borrowing and Lending

Leveraged Liquidity Provision

Build Automated Liquidity Strategies

Use Concentrated Liquidity as Collateral

2. Token introduction

$KMNO is the official token of KAMINO, with a total supply of 10 billion. The estimated circulating supply on the first day is 10%, and the initial community allocation is 7%. The initial community allocation will be carried out in a linear manner based on the first quarter of Kamino points. For example, if a user holds 1% of the total Season 1 points, they are eligible to receive 1% of the total initial community allocation.

Details and allocation of $KMNO will be announced prior to TGE to ensure transparency and fairness.

3. KAMINO POINTS point system

Kamino introduces points and incentives to attract new users, reward loyal users, and ensure that the product is used by those who truly see its value. Kamino Points will be held concurrently with multiple airdrops of $KMNO tokens. Genesis Airdrop is expected to be carried out around the end of Q1 to early Q2 of 2024.

The points system is currently in the Season1 stage, and the snapshot time is March 31, 2024 (there are still 22 days as of now). Season2 will be carried out in April.

Current default points rate:

Kamino Lending Supply: 1 point per dollar per day

Kamino loan borrow: 1 point per dollar per day

Kamino Liquidity Vaults: 1 point per dollar per day

Markup interest rate:

SOL, USDC, USDT, USDH supply: 3 points per USD per day

SOL, USDC, USDT, USDH borrow: 5 points per USD per day

Currently on WhalesMarket, 1 Kamino Points is worth approximately $0.0005. Through calculation, the ROI corresponding to different multipliers is roughly as follows:

1x: 1.1%

3x: 3.3%

5x: 5.5%

10x: 11%

15x: 16.5%

I read what everyone said on Discord, the biggest operating strategy of multiplier is (does not provide any investment advice!!!, DYOR), you can refer to it:


Borrow usdc

Supply usdc in JLP market

Borrow bsol Bsol/sol yield loop


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