
Unibot Ends Partnership with Solana Team and Announces Unisol X Launch


According to PANews, Unibot, a Telegram Bot project, has announced the termination of its partnership with the Solana team and requested a name change. The reasons for the split include the Solana team launching the 'evm_unibot' robot without permission, violating trust; refusing to undergo KYC; and failing to fulfill financial commitments to the Unibot core team and holders.

Unibot also revealed that there were too many warning signs, making it impossible to guarantee the safety of funds in the Unibot Solana robot. In addition, Unibot announced the launch of its frontend Unisol X. Through its V2 TG robot, it can enable almost any EVM chain instantly, and is currently exploring other layer 2 solutions. Blast is currently under discussion, and plans are in place to schedule a meeting with the team for further talks.


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