
The Coming Bull Market: How Ordinary People Can Get Rich


The bull market is coming, what should ordinary people do to get rich? History cannot repeat itself, but it is always strikingly similar. Looking back on the 17-year and 21-year bull markets, each bull-bear cycle is accompanied by the Bitcoin halving. So according to this rule, it will be a mad bull market in 25 years, and it will enter a bear market in 26 years. The bull market will probably be divided into the following stages: 1. The dominance rate of BTC is rising, and the vampire copycats, BTC and the Bitcoin ecosystem will continue to be strong.2. The ETH relay is soaring all the way, and hot altcoins are rising along with Ethereum, such as AI, Web3, L2, chain games, Yuanverse, new public chains, and BTC ecosystem.3. All currencies rise, and your assets double after a short sleep. In the MEME performance season, local dogs are flying all over the sky, and FOMO reaches its peak.4. All lines collapsed, mainstream currencies retreated sharply, copycats plummeted, native dogs returned to zero, and entered a bear market.This round.Inscription will most likely be the engine of this bull market. Ordi was released in March 2023, and it has been less than a year, but some people have already made tens of thousands of times by holding Ordi. Of course, the vast majority of people still can't get ten thousand times the amount, unless they don't read the inscription after finishing it.There are still many opportunities to get rich in Inscription. Now Inscription has been corrected for 2 months. With Binance's Inscription activity, Coinbase including Inscription, etc., I believe the wind will soon blow to the Inscription sector again.


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