
Currency Circle Survival Guide: Remember These 10 Points


Bi circle must remember these points:1. Don’t change coins frequently. As things change, sooner or later it will be your turn!2. When various people discuss a certain currency, it is best not to touch it. This means that the currency is about to reach its peak! There is a high probability that the currency will rise back in the bull market, but 90% of the coins in the bear market may not rise back in their lifetime!3. Don’t believe anyone who says that a certain currency is worth a hundred times or a thousand times. Such people are either fools or trying to cheat you out of money.host! You ask him how many times he can get, such as a hundred-fold coin or a thousand-fold coin, unless this kind of coin really exists in your hands, butThe premise is that you must forget it, but can you do it? If it rises by 20% in one day, you will probably run away!4. Don’t touch the contract in the bull market, there is a high probability that you will not survive the bull market!5. If others are fomo, you should stay awake and consider the profit-loss ratio yourself. If the risks outweigh the benefits, act decisively.If you don’t buy it, you can only overtake in a corner by preserving your principal!6. Especially for contracts, don’t trust indicators. Bull market and bear market indicators will frequently fail. Those so-called winning rate indicators,It's just that the banker deliberately did it to show you. Once the banker stops playing, you are not far away from being liquidated!7. Firmly believe that the currency you buy will rise in the bull market as long as it survives the bear market. What is a bull market?Thousands of coins fly together!8. If you have more than 100,000 funds, don’t touch the contract, stabilize the mainstream currency and the leading currency, it will be ten times as much as possible! CapitalIf the gold is less than 100,000, go to Shanzhai. Among the cows in Shanzhai, the price of the beef doubles every day!9. Go with the trend and have firm faith. The currency market is like this. Your currency may fall every month or two.50%, but it only takes one day to make back the gains. The currency circle falls 90% of the time, and only 10% fluctuates.The time is rising!10. Making money in a bull market is not called making money. Only when the bull tail can successfully escape from the top is it finally yours. Once the bull market ends, your assets may shrink by half in a day. In a bear market, your assets may shrink by 90% or even return to zero in a year. This is the most terrifying thing. ! Why only 10% of people make money in the end of the bull market? It’s caused by greed, and they still dream of continuing to be bullish!CURRENCYCIRCLESURVIVALGUIDEREMEMBERTHESE10POINTS


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