
Copycat Season Index 55: Bull Market Strategies


Copycat Season Index 55It is obvious that the market has not yet reached the rhythm of general rise. If it really enters that stage of the bull market, it will basically be in the second half.However, at this stage, some popular coins in popular tracks are also driving the market to speculate on copycats.Just like the inscription in the third quarter of last year, the popular coins in this year’s AI track are nowTaken together, only these two tracks have a general rise and a phased trend.This quarter, Bitcoin has increased by 37.4%, and many have exceeded Bitcoin’s increase.But it is more about the entry of hot money to speculate on the sector, and such a wave of rise will end in a few weeks or a month.Most people basically rush around chasing hot spots and leading brands. In the end, they can't make as much profit as those who hold on to high-quality copycats and wait for their rotation to take off.The inscription market was too hot in the early stage, and behind the hotness was the same depression.The effect of losing money is relatively strong now. After all, profits and losses come from the same source.The AI ​​sector is currently very popular, and this long-term track is definitely still worthy of deployment.However, at this stage, I recommend the gamefi track and ETH ecological series that have not been used much.Anyway, pick a popular track, buy popular coins, and wait for the market to rotate.Fortunately, we are still in the middle stage of the bull marketRemember, you will really make money when you buy anything and altcoins generally rise.That's the late stage of the bull marketIf you want to make 20x in a bull marketYou only need to catch three waves of triple market prices3*3*3=27 timesNiu Chu’s 3 times was based on capturing the general trend and correctly buying the bottom of big cakes + low leverage (or no leverage, already 2 times)The 3 times increase in Niu Zhong relies on catching the increase of high-quality altcoins, such as pure spot buying of popular coins on popular tracks (it is also expected that 5 times in Niu Zhong of high-quality altcoins)Niu Mo's 3 times position was defended by how to successfully escape from the top. . .Of course, this is easier said than done. With that, everyone has the potential to surpass Buffett.But you have to have goals and dreams. After all, this is Circle B. What if it comes true?Come on, I am also working hard to triple Niu Zhong, but triple the overall assets is not easy.Last year, Ordi made ten times more money. I wanted to quit all the money and return to the peak of my assets. Unfortunately, I only bought Ant warehouseStudy the market carefully and develop!COPYCATSEASONINDEX55BULLMARKETSTRATEGIES


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