
Market Trend and Strategy: Hoard Spot Goods in Bull Market Circles


The market as a whole is in a oscillating and sucking trend, and projects such as Sui and Aptos in the public chain sector, as well as Wif and Slerf in the Meme sector, have seen rising prices. The market has now entered the mid-term stage of the bull market. It has now passed the early incubation period and detection period and entered the following period. At this stage, more and more investors begin to enter the market and funds begin to pour in, but the final frenzy period has not yet been reached. Usually during the mania period, the pie will rise rapidly, and the market's FOMO sentiment will reach its peak.

But at present, the market is obviously not at this stage yet, and many people have not yet jumped on board this bull market. What we need to do now is to find ways to hoard more spot goods, and don’t get off the bus easily, so that we can reap the dividends of this round of industry growth!

If you don’t know how to do it yet, if you blindly follow the trend every day, you won’t be able to hold on to the spot.

Hurry up and nod your avatar and follow me. It’s often impossible for a person to work alone in a circle. Find the right circle, enter the circle, be obedient and follow the instructions.


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