
DODO Community Approves 200 Million DODO Migration to DODOchain


I didn't expect that this rubbish coin DODO is still alive? They have money to build a broken public chain, and they are going to build L3 before L2 is done, and they are going to migrate the air coins. What is this for? Do they want to attract leeks to come in and cut another wave? At the beginning, I took over 8U, and then I cut my meat at 0.4. It was really heartbreaking!

The DODO community has voted to pass the proposal of "migrating 200 million DODO to DODOchain"

4 minutes ago

The snapshot page shows that the proposal DIP 18 of "migrating 200 million DODO to DODOchain and redirecting future protocol income to the treasury" has been voted through.

Earlier news, DODO announced that it will launch the Layer 3 network DODOChain, supported by Arbitrum, EigenLayer, and AltLayer. The test network is now online.


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