


S&P500/Nasdaq dumped a lot last week, and the more they go down the closer they are to the bounce. At the same time day charts haven't yet formed long lower wicks nor reversal patterns, so week open may continue in the same direction for more liquidity. At least chances for that first move are high.

Nearest $BTC liquidity pools:

above - 66640 / 68600/ 69676 / 71666 (main zone)

below - 65080 / 63900 / 62660 / 61315

SR levels to watch #BTC PA:

73881 - ATH

71363 - March close

69362 - week close

66555 - range middle

64300 - February high

63178 - week close

61203 - Feb'24 close

59112 - March low

Trend: D ▶️ W M

热点:BTC 反弹 水平 流动性

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