


Will Bitcoin ecological tokens rise sharply with the arrival of halving?

Why can't you hold on? Because you look at the cycle too small. You can't stand the loss at the slightest disturbance. Extend the cycle and take a long-term view. Now it is the beginning of the bull market. In the long run, all currencies are still at the bottom!

Coins that may increase 100 times in 2024

Currency reduction: dash, btc, bch, bsv, etc, zec

web3.0: MAsk, ens

defi lending: aave, comp

defi oracle: link

Second-layer network: MAtic, op

dex: uni, dydx, sushi

Metaverse: sand, MAna, axs, starl

nft: dego, bake, ape

Ethereum 2.0: ldo, ssv

Anonymous: dash, zec, zen

热点:数字货币 数字 暴涨 货币

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