
Cryptocurrency Millionaire: Strategies for Success


How to make 1 million in the cryptocurrency circle

(Strategy Free Sharing Homepage)

The first method:

I will tell you a way to make 1 million. It is best to prepare about 100,000-200,000 yuan.

Change this money into U and store it in a safe exchange.

Then set it up and buy one share every week. The 100,000-200,000 yuan fund is divided into 96 shares. Buy once a week.

Don't look at it or move it during the period. Buy 60% of BTC. Buy 30% of ETH. Buy 10% of BNB.

That's it. Then you just wait and wait. After one cycle, or 2 cycles, that is, 4-8 years.

You will definitely make 1 million. This is the simplest way, and the one with the least competition from you.

The second method:

Of course there are other methods, such as airdrops, whitelisting, and new listings. First of all, you must be able to program, operate remote servers, understand English, see first-hand information, and operate in batches, and have extremely focused energy to do this.

To do this, you need to learn a lot and master various programming skills, which is what we call a coin scientist.

The third type:

This requires a little bit of luck. You have to choose a coin in the early stage of the bull market, and this coin can rise more than 10 times. This requires a little bit of luck, but more of your own judgment. For example, how much traffic does this coin have, are there any new concepts, who is the platform, if it is Sun Yuchen or a Chinese plate, try not to go, there is a high probability of being cheated, this requires a certain analytical ability. This requires making more friends and asking others for advice. The most important thing is to keep up with your own cognition. Have decisive judgment and decision-making ability.

The above three are relatively certain to make 1 million. You can see which one suits you. Are you willing to pay for making money? If you can, then take action.

There are other ways to make money in the coin circle, of course, such as opening a plate and making a coin by yourself, which is too easy to make 1 million. But you must first have a knowledge system in this area. If not, it is still not recommended. Looks simple, but actually the most difficult


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