
NAGA Blockchain Game: Announcement Regarding Stolen NFTs


NAGA blockchain game information, dark style ARPG blockchain game SERAPH issued an announcement in Discord saying that it received a complaint about the theft of Metamask wallet today, and a total of 35 SOUL series NFTs were stolen.

After verification by the technical team, the following NFTs of this user were confirmed to be stolen:

#25, #28, #177, #274, #427, #668, #669, #1110, #1111, #1112, #1113, #1114, #1115, #1581, #1582, #1583, #2009, #2894, #2895, #2896, #2897, #2898, #2899, #2900, #3359, #3360, #3809, #3810, #3811, #4245, #4246, #4247, #4248, #4700, #4701

Among them, the following SOULs were sold at low prices by the thieves, and the numbers are:


The SERAPH operation team will mark the above-mentioned unsold SOUL series NFTs as stolen assets and invalidate them today. The quality label will be replaced with "Hacked" and the NFT image will be changed for prompting. At the same time, the above-numbered NFTs will be excluded from the future SOUL series NFT empowerment.

SERAPH reminds all asset traders to avoid purchasing or interacting with the above-numbered and special-image SOUL series stolen NFTs.

List of invalid NFT numbers:

#25, #28, #274, #427, #668, #669, #1112, #1113, #1114, #1115, #1581, #1582, #1583, #2009, #2894, #2895, #2896, #2900, #3359, #3360, #3809, #3810, #3811, #4245, #4246, #4247, #4248, #4700, #4701

The invalidated NFT will not have any attributes after opening the map, and will not have any empowerment in the future.

The SERAPH operation team said that due to the decentralization of NFT transactions, it is impossible to help users recover stolen assets, but it can minimize the profits of thieves and protect the entire NFT series by marking the stolen NFT information. If there is another theft, the SERAPH team will handle it with the same solution.

Please protect your wallets and assets, and report to the SERAPH team in time when encountering similar incidents. The SERAPH team will assist you in handling the relevant assets as soon as possible.

热点:nfts GAME NFTS

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