
Hong Kong USDT Money Exchange Shop Incident


Someone asked if we could talk about the incident of the Hong Kong USDT money exchange shop running away in March.

This is not the first time that the backdoor has run away. A similar incident happened last year and was reported in the news. The one that ran away in March this year was the Big Bull Coin Money Exchange Shop, which killed regular customers.

The Big Bull Coin store locks the door as soon as you enter. The front half of the store is open for business, and the back half is not decorated but has a backdoor. It is estimated that they have been prepared in advance. At that time, there were more than a dozen regular customers gathered in the store, and each of them exchanged more than 1 million cash for USD. It is estimated that the boss also specially arranged them together.

The boss put away the cash and said he wanted to smoke a cigarette, but he closed the back door directly. There was no chance to catch him because of the glass.

One of the regular customers was the owner of another money exchange shop. He said that he had cooperated with this owner for several months without any problems, so he relaxed his vigilance. This time, Big Bull Coin took away tens of millions of dollars. It is said that the person did not leave Hong Kong and has been locked up, but it is estimated that the money cannot be recovered. People in the know can talk about the progress in the comment area.

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热点:usdt KONG SHOP

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