


If you are new to the cryptocurrency industry, you need to remember these most effective trading tips:

(Strategy Free Sharing Home Page)

1. Buy horizontally, buy pits, but not buy vertically, the selling point is at the boiling point;

2. Continuous small increases are real increases, and continuous large increases require exit;

3. If there is a sharp rise, you should step back. If you don’t dig a deep hole, don’t buy too much;

4. The main rise is accelerating and will reach the top, and the rise is slow and the sell is slow;

5. A sharp drop is a threat, a slow drop is a threat and a heavy drop is enough to get out quickly;

6. When the price breaks through the lifeline, don’t hesitate to trade;

7. Watch the daily and monthly lines carefully and follow the main force to build positions;

8. The currency price rise is immeasurable, and the main force is to lure buyers to stay on guard;

9. The new low of shrinkage is the bottom image, and the market needs to enter the market when the increase rebounds;

The simpler things in the currency circle are often more effective, and all formulas are the crystallization of wisdom. Learning these tips, remembering them, and applying them in actual combat will definitely save you a lot of detours.

热点:加密货币 货币交易 交易 加密

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