


It’s late at night, and Wall Street elites are working in an orderly manner. Just now, several important news came from the encryption market. Without further ado, let’s take a look.

1. Sister Mu Mu, head of Ark Capital: Bitcoin surged to US$3.8 million

Cathie Wood (Mumujie) said at the Bitcoin Investor Day conference in New York that the large-scale adoption of institutional investment and the launch of new ETF products mean that she predicts that the price of Bitcoin can be higher than its existing target price in a bull market situation More than 2 million US dollars, that is, the price of Bitcoin may reach 3.8 million US dollars by 2030.

2. Big news: government currency holding address exposed! The market value is nearly 100 billion!

Data shows that the U.S. government currently has 21 currency holding addresses, holding a total of approximately US$14.126 billion in cryptocurrency, including: 210,996 BTC (US$13.951 billion), 49,630 ETH (US$174.17 million), 2,466 UIN ($29,840).

3. Bitcoin miners are waiting to renovate mining equipment!

According to a recent Bloomberg report, more than 6,000 outdated Bitcoin mining equipment in the United States will be updated and resold to miners around the world. In anticipation of Bitcoin's upcoming halving, this new development aims to help mining companies gain profits during the halving event. #BTC #ETH(二饼)

热点:事件 加密 华尔街 市场

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