
Send a short essay on doge, worth 1688U


#wyckoff supply and demand price


20240321doge weekly line

Current opinion:

Area A: 4 K lines, where a large number of chips changed hands, and then stayed at the bottom for 470 days to accumulate funds.

1K: Explosive volume, main demand enters, the pin is inserted directly to the starting position of 770 days, and a large supply is encountered.

2K: Long upper shadow, short Yin K, the volume is similar to 1K, there is too much supply above, it is released at one time, there is a lot of changing hands here.

3K: Continue to increase the volume and return to the initial support position.

4K: It started to rebound slightly after shrinking, and then accumulated funds for 470 days.

Area B: 4 K lines, the volume and price behavior is completely different from area A. The main force has obtained enough chips and started to attack.

1K: Explosive volume, crossing the creek (JOC), directly breaking through the natural rebound upper limit of the bottom accumulation structure, and breaking through the starting point of the 770-day bottom, a very strong signal.

2K: Big pins up and down, trading volume maintained, and finally positive physical K, and reached a new high. The demand continues, and the supply near 21 is consumed.

3K: Yin K on the upper and lower shadow lines, shrinking volume, the price has not reached a new low, and demand continues.

4K: There may be a spring in the weekly line. The current price is at the previously provided position of 117-131, starting a rebound. The main demand here has entered again, and the main force is still absorbing chips.

Current view of the daily line:

1K: Big pins up and down. The top is close to the starting point of the 700-day decline. A large amount of supply appears near the price of 211, combined with profit taking at the bottom, forming a large pin. The pin at the bottom is the main force's re-entry, and the price is 126.

2K-3K: These two K are compared with K. It is judged that 3K is a stop signal. The larger the volume, the shorter K appears, and the demand is entering. If you switch to a small cycle at 2K-3K, there should be a 4-hour spring.

4K: It is a strong signal, maintaining the same trading volume as the previous K, but closing the flat head with positive K, and demand dominates.

Currently, around 146 is the natural rebound range at the weekly level, and there is a high probability that LPS will form today.

8 hour line

Summary: This is a long-term position! , what can be determined at present is that the main chip cost is below 0.09, and continues to accumulate chips around 0.12.

1. 700-day bottom accumulation and full circulation. The originator of MEME. From the chip structure, it is worthy of being a long-term position target.

2. If you have not sold the chips that I bought near 8 before, please keep holding them. The chips here are the main cost area. No matter whether there is a subsequent correction or not, there is a high probability that you will not be able to return here.

3. In the short term, we can see around 0.211 in the short term. (It also depends on Bitcoin’s expression)

4. The position of re-entry on the right side: 0.143-0.146-0.15 (it may change depending on the situation of btc backlash at night)



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