
RWA Giants: Enter the New Track


Empowered by top capital, giants BlackRock and Morgan Stanley have entered the RWA track. Can they create the carnival of the century?

“ETFs are a major revolution for the mutual fund industry and it’s really taking over the mutual fund industry. We do believe that if we can create more tokenization of assets and securities (RWA), it could revolutionize finance again industry.” —Larry Fink, CEO of BlackRock

In the real world, traditional finance such as real estate, commodities, and non-financial corporate debt markets have real assets that are huge markets worth trillions. If RWA, which has real assets on the chain, is combined with DeFi for tokenization, it can reduce the cost of global retail investors. The participation threshold provides global users with no borders, no thresholds, greater liquidity and capital efficiency, and investment opportunities.

In a recent report from the Boston Consulting Group, RWA is expected to become a $16 trillion market by 2030. The current total market value of the cryptocurrency market is approximately US$1.65 trillion, which means that the development of the RWA track is likely to bring a 10-fold increase in market value to the cryptocurrency market.

BlackRock's entry into the market, Rwa is just the beginning, and other giants will follow soon. This is a huge cake; the RWA sector has rebounded the most sharply in this round of decline, and it is easy to produce many popular ten-fold coins. If you If you have time, or have extra bullets, you may be able to pay attention to this callback and own some lottery tickets; my usual point of view is: the cost of trial and error is not high, but the regret of missing out is huge!

Today I will introduce the strong coins in this sector:


RWA is an old leader in the lending sector. Key project parties have strong profitability and a promising future. Split plans are not ruled out.

2. Ondo, the new star leader:

Cb’s biological son also cooperates with Sol. He is invested by Wall Street institutions. The market maker is a jump market maker on Wall Street. He is very powerful.


Institutional-grade permissioned blockchain built specifically for regulated assets, 2x in two days

4. Token:

An asset tokenization issuance platform that also belongs to the meme sector. Floki’s son token will be launched on the mainnet on the 28th of this month.

5. Rio:

The king of real estate on the chain, BlackRock’s 100 million USDC financing wallet includes $Rio transferred from the @realio_ network official wallet “Reserve Wallet”

6, Cfg

A big brother with a strong background and strength, Coinlist offers a new platform that offers hundreds of times the coins.


Om is Mantrachain’s native cryptocurrency and one of the best performing altcoins on Binance

The current market has fallen back. I would like to congratulate my friends who are holding projects on this track. Your vision is amazing and you have chosen a good track; because some of them not only did not fall, but came out of the headwind situation, mkr ondo has soared all the way. .

PS: This article is purely a personal opinion and does not constitute investment advice.

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