
The Dangers of Chasing the Rise and Killing the Fall


A brother just contacted me and asked me how to deal with this kind of order when I got eth from 3900 to 3400. It was obvious that I was chasing the rise and killing the fall, and there was no stop loss, so I resisted hard. However, the forced parity price is low, so I can only be trapped.

I just want to take this opportunity to explain to my brothers why we cannot chase the rise and kill the fall.

Chasing the rise and killing the fall

Someone must have told you that whether you are trading stocks or futures, you must not chase the rise and kill the fall.

There is actually nothing wrong with the term chasing the rise and killing the fall. Many novices also like to chase the rise and kill the fall when they enter the market. Which person who has entered the financial market has not done this kind of thing?

Chasing the rise and killing the fall is like this. I see a ticket rising a little but dare not follow it. Then suddenly a big positive line comes up. I am super excited and feel that the opportunity to make money has come. If I don't take action, I will miss millions.

Then I chased him in, only to find that I was chasing him at the top of the mountain. What should I do?


As a result, the market began to fluctuate. The account would make profits and then lose money. It was so frustrating. Then a negative line fell below the shock zone and a correction began. I watched the account lose more and more. No, it doesn't work. Let's cut the flesh.

The same principle applies to buying and selling. When a big negative line comes down, you go short, and then you find that you are at the bottom, you haven't eaten the meat, and you are stuck. This is a typical trend of chasing the rise and killing the fall.



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