
Altcoin Market Analysis: Slow Rebound with Limited Momentum


Today's analysis shows that the current trend is basically the same as the analysis. The altcoins that have risen sharply in the past have all retraced significantly. Judging from the current market situation, the market still has no effective stabilization. It has been cutting slowly with a small knife. A new week will open tomorrow. The negative line is basically about to close this week. The current market rebound period is at the 3-day time level, and there is no acceleration in the market. The 4-hour level support is at 64000-62000, and there will be another rebound, but this rebound may not be too big. Strong, this round is mainly about copycat washing, which will be more similar to the wave of 45000-38000. When the pie reaches this position, the next step will definitely be to break through new highs, and the real bull market of altcoins will be after the pie breaks through new highs to open up space, but before ETFs are bought and sold every day, and the market sentiment is too hot.


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