


So is it possible that the market will suddenly have a deep correction?

Judging from the current capital purchasing intensity, on-chain data, investor sentiment, the increase in stablecoins, etc., the possibility of a correction is very low.

You can look at the short orders in the red circle. The upward momentum is now very clear, but there are still people opening short orders to fight against the bulls.

This is unbearable for Bitcoin at its peak.

Therefore, there is a high probability that this part of the short order will turn into fuel for the increase.

So there is no need to worry about this correction. As long as you control the position risks reasonably, you can just sit back and make money.

The Ethereum Cancun upgrade is a huge benefit to the Ethereum system. Now that the upgrade has been successful, the benefits have not been realized.

You can think of this callback as a squatting action. Squatting is to jump higher.

WeChat once again raised US$500 million to buy Bitcoin without distinction, and op, arb, and star have all undergone major upgrades.

With so many positives, in a bull market environment, there is no possibility of a deep reversal, and the time has not yet come​.

The current decline can only be seen as a pin.

There will be no real callback, you just need to buy the bottom according to the heat map above.


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