
Small Assets, Big Returns


Assets below 2 million

There is no need to buy big pie now, ether, you can’t get rich suddenly

Buy fan tokens directly now and invest 200

Income can directly exceed 5 million in June

Bitcoin, Ethereum are suitable for large investors with larger funds

If diaosi wants to get rich, they must now ambush fan tokens

The European Cup in June and the Olympic Games in July will be held in Paris, France.

Fan tokens have not increased significantly compared to the overall market

In February and March before the start of the game, that is, mid-March and April, fan tokens are most enthusiastic.

Don't look at the sports sector now pretending to be dead

When the bull market funds are invested in the sports sector, they will be doubled several times a week

The last time was the 2022 World Cup. Even if the market environment was poor, it could pull twice as much. Now the market is so good.

Superimposed narrative, 3.4 times is fine

热点: BIG

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