




上个季度,gTrade v6.3.1(NFT 机器人优化)和 v6​​.3.2(借款费用)以及一系列其他升级已集成到该平台中。


10 万美元的山丘之王交易和 meme 竞赛都取得了成功,吸引了数百名新交易者进入该平台。

如果您一直很忙而错过了亮点,请务必查看 gTrade 的

6 月回顾



经过数月的开发和测试,gTrade 期待已久的 v6.4(回顾)升级已经部署。

7 月 24 日启动了为期 2 周的时间锁定,为 8 月 7 日主网成功启动铺平了道路!

回顾是一种创新的订单执行模型,由 gTrade 的预言机架构开发且专有。



为了更好地理解回顾的好处,我们首先分析当前交易系统面临的问题,然后详细介绍 v6.4 升级提供的解决方案。

  • 错过限价/止损/止损/止盈订单:


  • 错过清算:


  • 滑点和部分成交:


  • 错过触发因素:

    导致 NFT 机器人浪费 $LINK 代币或不必要的 Gas 费用。



回顾是由 gTrade 开发的,作为区块链交易固有挑战的解决方案,特别是延迟和滑点。


通过 gTrade 先进的预言机系统实施的回溯功能使该平台能够



  1. Guaranteed Orders: gTrade guarantees that all limit, stop, sl, and tp orders are executed at the trader-determined price. The only exception is market gaps during open/close times. In such scenarios, it uses the first market price available post-gap.
  2. Universal Protection: Previously, only gTrade’s cryptocurrency stop-loss orders had guaranteed protection. Now, with lookbacks, there’s protection for all trading pairs and every order type.
  3. 0-Slippage Market Orders: In v6.4, market orders use the exact price from the transaction’s timestamp, eliminating the slippage previously caused by oracle latencies that relied solely on the current price.
  4. Guarding Against Volatility and Chain Disruptions: Lookbacks ensure that orders are executed at the right price, even during periods of chain congestion or potential chain downtime, safeguarding traders from missed orders and volatility.
  5. Free Stop-Loss Updates: Prior to v6.4, oracles verified that updated stop-losses were correctly positioned relative to the price (e.g., below the price for long positions), resulting in a 0.015% fee for every SL modification. With the new system, if the price is on the incorrect side, it’s treated as if it passed through the order and is executed at the market rate. This eliminates the need for the prior check. Consequently, all SL updates are now cost-free!

Through these benefits, lookbacks provide a smoother user experience, enhance the security of gTrade’s platform, and ensure the efficiency of its infrastructure.

While the spotlight remains on lookbacks, the gTrade v6.4 upgrade is not limited to this advancement. It also includes refinements and optimizations to the borrowing fee formula and the removal of rollover fees.

  1. Support for Exponent in Borrowing Fees: This revised approach applies higher fees for larger net exposures and, conversely, provides reduced fees for smaller exposures. The goal is to further increase risk management for high exposures while encouraging trading activity by making it more affordable at low exposures. Currently, only whole number exponents (e.g. 2) are supported. This change will be enabled once decimal exponents are supported (e.g. 1.3).
  2. Change in exposure formula: In the v6.4 update, the $gDAI vault market cap component has been substituted with max OI for a more accurate and intuitive borrowing fee calculation. The maximum APR returned by the borrowing fee formula now corresponds to the APR at 100% net exposure (net OI = max OI).
  3. 已弃用的展期费:



    新的借贷费用解决了这个问题,使得展期费用变得多余(现在设置为 0)。

更新借款费用公式(目前指数 = 1):


max apr *(净 OI / 金库市值)

max apr *(净 OI / 最大 OI)^指数

gTrade 的 v6.4 升级现已在该平台的 Arbitrum 和 Polygon 网络上上线。

gTrade 独有的回顾功能使用最新价格数据来保证所有订单执行,无论是立即执行还是追溯执行。

回溯不仅可以纠正错过的订单,还可以保证订单的价格并减少最多 1 秒的延迟!

此外,v6.4 取消了展期费用,同时完善了借贷费用公式。



热点:增益 网络

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