
Chinese Blockchain Assets and Teams: A Global Perspective


There are also people who are talking about Chinese teams and Chinese assets. ordi and sats rats, most of the early chips are Chinese, does this delay them from becoming good targets? I know that the Chinese retail investors around me hold more than 10% of Ordi's circulation ratio. Will it delay his efforts to sell?Merlin, ckb, and unisat are all well-known Chinese teams. Which one has weaker product capabilities and engineering implementation capabilities than the Western team? The proportion of garbage in each group is certain. The reason why there was a lot of garbage in the Chinese team before is because in domestic blockchain entrepreneurship, doing things seriously and engaging in fraud are both illegal;Who dares to do that?Only those who engage in fraud and pyramid schemes are left. But there are now quite a few Chinese elites in Singapore, Hong Kong, and North America who are really long-term-oriented teams that do things. Don’t always look at the new era through old eyes!The Chinese have strong technical and engineering realization capabilities, product and operational capabilities, hard work, and investment capabilities; if the blockchain is missing the Chinese, it will basically collapse in half.

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