


Recently, all the principal has been withdrawn, only the small capital bands, the main bands STRK, PIXEL, BONK, and meme coins, even if it is trapped, it is still a small capital.This callback analyzed the following data:1.Flow of funds2. Data on the chain3. News surface4. U.S. Economy5. Probability of interest rate hike6. The local dogs are flying around7.fomo emotion8. K-line indicatorTo make an intuitive data deduction, it is just a hypothesis for reference only:If the market pulls back to 1wu and then rushes to 10wu, there will be many copycats with 10-50 times, and 100-1000 times is not impossible. If the market pulls back to 5wu, it will stop falling and start to rise to 10wu. It will be difficult for many copycats to do it dozens of times! If the pie falls to 1,000 and then rises to 10wu, the profit of many of the copycats in our hands will be a hundred times. Don't predict where it will return, just cover your position when it reaches the point.During this period, we are quietly waiting for the release of CPI data.

热点:分析 市值 暴涨

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