
比特币场外流通的热潮!机构抢购中! (19 words)


Heavy! The Bitcoins circulating over the counter are almost being snatched up by institutions! The stock of Bitcoin OTC platform is less than 500, which has dropped to the lowest level in history! The output will be halved in the future, and Bitcoin may really go to heaven this time!On March 2, according to Glassnode data, the stock of Bitcoins on the OTC platform continued to decrease during this round of market rise, and has now reached a record low (388 on February 29), which is equivalent to mid-2018.Caitlin Long, founder of Custodia Bank, a crypto-friendly bank and Bitcoin custodian, responded to the remarks on social media that "the stock of Bitcoin OTC platforms is close to being exhausted", saying that according to a reliable source, sometime this Wednesday At this point, there are only about 40 BTC available for trading on the Bitcoin OTC platform.BlockBeats Note: The OTC platform data collected by Glassnode only covers some mainstream platforms and cannot accurately represent the stock data of all global platforms, but it still has reference value.It is recommended that you immediately notify your relatives and friends to go to Binance and buy at least 0.01 BTC for self-defense. The purchase address is: https://www.binance.com/zh-CN/join?ref=23279581<a title='注册并实名送比特币' href='https://okk.meibanla.com/btc/ok.php' target='_blank' class='f_a'>比特币</a>场外流通的热潮机构抢购中19WORDS

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