
Bitcoins All-Time High: Is It Time to Buy Altcoins?


Bitcoin’s all-time high area, a good time to buy altcoins!The next theme of wealth:1. ORDI, the current price is 74.9U, is the currency with the strongest correlation with Bitcoin, and is also Monkey Brother’s most promising inscription leader. The technical aspect has broken through, and a major rise is about to begin!2. CFX, the current price is 0.267U. Brother Monkey recommended it for the long term when it was around 1.8. It is still moving forward in small steps. The weekly line is very good. I will continue to hold on to what I bought before.3. XAI, the current price is 1.33U. Although it is far away from my cost line, I think the current price is not expensive. There is also a V2 expected in the future. The project side is actively marketing and continues to be active. I like this method very much. And there are few new currency hold-ups.4. STRK, the current price is 1.84U. This coin has been recommended before. Recently, it has been sucked by the big pie and has fallen a bit, but I think it is still at the bottom area. The project is fine. After Cancun is upgraded, I think its strength will be shown, and The technical aspect has always been going sideways, and it is completely a state of washing the market at the bottom.5. AI coin, current price is 1.693U. A new product will be released in March, and the AI ​​concept has just begun. Although it is a Chinese project, I don’t think Binance’s new coin will not cause trouble. The technology is also very good, and it obviously has the main force. Control the market, the correction is basically completed, it is worth buying!If you are short-term, or are confused about what to buy, you can refer to Brother Hou’s content and hold it for the long term. I think the outbreak of high-quality copycats is not far away!


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