
If you don’t show off, who wouldn’t be 9527?



I actually believe in the "Caotai theory".

I have seen many star projects, but in fact they are all grass-roots teams. I am also a grass-roots team, and everyone is a grass-roots team, just making money to live. One project looks like a luxury car running on the highway, but inside it is actually a few people pedaling bicycles to support the shell.​

All the cars on the road are like this, and no one will notice.

Everyone is 9527, no one should look down on anyone else.

01 Cryptocurrency depends on us speculating on coins

In traditional financial valuation theory, project valuation is related to profitability. Even if the concept of "market-to-market ratio" is introduced when investing in emerging industries, many investors do not care about immediate profitability, but they also value future profitability.

Only the crypto industry can pay for projects that are completely unprofitable. For example, Bitcoin/meme coins.


In fact, it’s not that people in the encryption industry are particularly idealistic, but in fact, apart from charging service fees for currency speculation, encryption basically has no other profit model:

The exchange directly serves currency speculators.

Mining is the last coin speculator who has to buy coins to make money.

All public chains/protocols/smart contracts and transactions are the main scenarios. If there is no currency speculation, everything will be in vain.

Last year, we managed to raise the gas fee of the Bit network by 30% by speculating on inscriptions, which provided a solid guarantee for the prosperity of the Bit ecosystem.


We "stinky currency speculators" probably account for more than 90% of the users and usage scenarios, right?

The great technological revolution of encryption is driven by 9527 of us in the encryption circle.

02Real memes can’t be killed

I can responsibly say that the vast majority of crypto project tokens and the stocks of all unprofitable listed companies, these unprofitable assets, are essentially Ponzi structures.

Only when more and more people take orders will the price rise.

But not all Ponzi structures will collapse. Non-business projects such as religion/meme will exist for a long time because they cannot be falsified.

And those who are engaged in business in a down-to-earth manner, whether it is technological innovation or model innovation, will collapse as long as their business is falsified (the technology is backward or the model fails).


In the encryption industry, there are many fund-raising meme projects. There is obviously no consensus, but they insist on forging consensus through pulling the market.

Is this why the average earth dog plate returns to zero once it plummets?

Because there is no consensus in the Earth Dog chart, it is all about interests. The bankers want to cut leeks, and the retail investors want to make arbitrage.

But memes with real consensus will only fluctuate and never return to zero. And the market value will ultimately be directly proportional to the scope of influence of this culture.

03Star projects also started from native dogs

No project is born a star project.

Bitcoin was also considered a local dog in its early days. More than ten years ago, when Lang Xianping regarded himself as a big shot and looked down on Bitcoin, the mood of Bitcoin Holders was the same as the mood of 9527 people.


Now Bitcoin has been listed on spot ETFs of US stocks, and its liquidity and yield are beating Hong Kong stocks and A-shares. Early Bitcoin holders have also ascended to the throne of OG.

During this period, the fastest price rise occurred during the consensus building process from a local dog to a star. This is the stage when Lang Xianping and others deny Bitcoin.

This logic applies to 99% of encryption projects.

This round of bull market has just begun. When many projects were built last year, they were busy promoting/CX every day, just like the current 9527 community, creating a batch of stories of small people becoming big people.


04-9527 cannot be copied

Many people will ask, is 9527 just taking advantage of Xingye's popularity?

Can Stephen Chow's IP be used to create a meme by just changing a movie?

Maybe everyone still doesn’t know that the 9527 meme may have been used to capitalize on Brother Fat’s popularity when Master Xing was still a minor figure.


9527 is Tang Bohu’s working code in Washington:


It's also the warning signal in "Truant Dragon"


Hong Kong director Li Lichi officially explained this gag. In the 1980s and 1990s, "It's not easy to get out" was a very common slang in Hong Kong. It meant joking about other people's sexual dysfunction. It can also be understood as meaning that the clamp is not tight enough. Easy to pull out. Later it was extended to mean "no courage, no future".

In this way, this "9527" became the representative of self-deprecation in Stephen Chow's movies. After all, in many of Stephen Chow's movies, the characters he plays are about the daily life of small figures in society.

Therefore, the NFT officially issued by Xingye is 9527 Nobody.


The short drama program prepared by Star Master to support little people is also called 9527 Theater:

It can be said that what all Xingye's movies want to express are the stories of the struggles of little people like 9527.

Xingye official cannot issue coins directly due to compliance issues.

However, the struggles of the little people in 9527 never require any official authorization~

05-The struggles of little people are the most touching stories

Little people exist in every industry. They work hard but may not get the rewards they expect. They bear pressure and blows from all directions in life, but they still use their courage as a weapon to compete with the world.

They are you and me.

Star himself was born in a slum in Kowloon, Hong Kong, and his parents were both recent immigrants from mainland China.

Therefore, his movies are full of stories about the struggles of small people. Mr. Xing himself said that "stories about the struggles of small people are the most touching."

No matter how great a person is, he was once a nobody. Don't belittle yourself. Little people can eventually become big things! I wish you all good progress in the New Year and may your dreams come true!

In addition, teachers who often collaborate with the two stars also wish New Year’s greetings to friends in the Nobody and 9527 communities:

Teacher Luo Jiaying (Tang Monk in Journey to the West)

Teacher Huang Yicheng (Big Brother in Shaolin Football)

The complete video can be viewed on my Twitter ~

Come on, 9527s!


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