
Ripple CTO Schwartz将在ETH Denver揭示区块链战略


Ripple’s Chief Technology Officer (CTO) David Schwartz is set to unveil their blockchain strategy at the ETH Denver summit. The presentation will reportedly focus on advancements in interoperability, the incorporation of Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM)capabilities, and a strategic vision for Ripple’s blockchain initiatives.The presentation is ongoing in Denver, CO. Schwartz is set to discuss the future trajectory of the XRP Ledger and its role within the broader blockchain ecosystem. Ripple XRP has an event at the seminar called the XRPL Zone. This “zone” is a setting for developers, investors, and blockchain enthusiasts interested in the XRP Ledger to discuss the project.The XRPL Zone also featured EVM workshops for interested parties to “unlock the full potential of XRP Ledger” with smart contracts programmability. Also Read: Cryptocurrency: 3 Coins To Watch Under $1 as Bitcoin Hits $56,000Earlier this week, Rippleannounceda new partnership with digital asset management leader Zoniqx, formerly Tassets. The strategic alliance integrates Ripple’s efficient XRP Ledger (XRPL) infrastructure with Zoniqx’s cutting-edge tokenization platforms.At press time, XRP traded at $0.5842.

热点:ETH 区块链 CTO

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