
Check Your Social Security Benefit Today!


Millions of Americans will file their taxes between now and April 15 — an annual practice in looking backward. For many, this time of year is the only time they take stock of things like their salary, tax withholding and annual contributions to retirement accounts.

With all of that information top of mind, tax season is also a great time to start thinking ahead, specifically about Social Security. In fact, "it's the perfect time," says Jared Friedman, a certified financial planner and partner at Redwood Financial Planning in Scotch Plains, New Jersey.

Although talk of Social Security's eventual demise isn't going away, politicians aren't going to let the plan dry up by the time younger adults retire, Friedman says. That makes it an essential piece of your retirement income that's worth staying on top of.

"A great practice is, when you file your taxes, you should take an accounting of all your financial stuff," he says. "Review your 401(k) balance, review your bank balances, review your credit limits, and yes, check on your Social Security Statement."

It's not hard. Just create an account on the Social Security Administration's website (you'll have to submit some identifying documents) and download your form.

Even if you're years away from retirement, checking your statement now can give you a decent idea of what you can expect to receive when you stop working.


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