
5 种惊人的质押奖励 DeFi 代币





上个月,11 只 BTC ETF 以创纪录的流入量登陆美国市场,而且围绕它们的热度尚未减弱。

尽管关于 BTC ETF 的法律方面的讨论仍在进行,但分析师认为,围绕 BTC ETF 的兴奋情绪不太可能很快消退。









这些代币包括 Polygon (MATIC)、Solana (SOL) 和 Cardano (ADA) 等开发者友好平台,以及 Cosmos (ATOM) 和

InQubeta (QUBE)


1. InQubeta:引领人工智能初创企业迈向新高度

InQubeta 是一个基于以太坊的平台,旨在帮助初创公司在使用人工智能 (AI) 的同时应对增长挑战。



为了利用这些服务,人们必须获得 InQubeta 的原生加密货币 QUBE 代币。

该加密货币的供应量为 15 亿,其中一半以上将出售给感兴趣的买家。


其加密货币 ICO 迄今已筹集 990 万美元,使其成为今年表现最好的预售之一。

InQubeta 最受欢迎的产品是质押服务。



Apart from being one of the top ICOs of the year, InQubeta has won over crypto users with its decentralized governance structure. Here, the token holders are in charge of decisions regarding protocol upgrades, the introduction of new features, and product launches. The proposals for such changes are put to a vote where token holders participate using their voting privileges. Any proposal is implemented only after the community approves it.

Another impressive feature about the QUBE token is its deflationary model where the asset supply is used to create a shield against market volatility. When the markets are flowing against the tide, factors like inflation can hamper asset returns.

To counter this, the deflationary model limits the token’s market availability. As crypto buyers struggle to buy QUBE, its price stays stable even when other asset categories are losing out to market forces. If the supply increases, extra tokens in circulation are promptly destroyed by burning them.

The token burn mechanism is also used for burning excess tokens collected as taxes for taming internal inflation. These taxes are levied when QUBE tokens are bought or sold.

The team burns 1% of the tax proceeds to bring down internal inflation. The rest are utilized for maintaining liquidity, supporting staking rewards, and marketing.

The QUBE token features in many experts’ list of recommended presales as it facilitates fractional investment in startup projects. The InQubeta team carefully selects startups by checking how their goals fare against the platform’s vision for the AI sector. After onboarding, the startups submit offers to investors which are tokenized as NFTs.

The newly minted NFTs are sold on InQubeta’s online marketplace. These NFTs represent AI projects and crypto users can compare them before making a final decision. They have to pay for these NFTs with QUBE tokens.

The InQubeta ecosystem has a slew of business development services that can augment startups’ growth and branding. To plan their journey, startups need the right kind of guidance. InQubeta can help them find mentors from the AI industry who can guide them through various challenges. If it’s finances or accounting that startups are struggling with, InQubeta can also help. It has a team of financial advisors who can provide them with solutions.

Given their lack of resources, it might not always be possible for startups to spread awareness about their projects. They can make their marketing efforts more effective by connecting to more people in InQubeta’s community. The community has members from different industries. Plus, the platform also offers social media support to startups.

Visit InQubeta Presale

2. Polygon to roll out its AggLayer on February 23

Polygon is a developers’ paradise that makes zero-knowledge (zk) technology more accessible. The Ethereum-based network enables developers to create optimistic rollups, blockchains, sidechains, dApps, and app-specific chains with ZK proofs.

Its native token MATIC is among the best altcoins and can be used for staking, swapping and integrations with bridges, in addition to various transactional purposes.

Polygon has a host of solutions for building public blockchains. One of the most popular tools is Polygon Miden which is a rollup using local transaction execution and private data storage for ease of scaling.

Polygon’s popularity today rivals that of new altcoins as the date for the launch of its aggregation layer (AggLayer) approaches.

Polygon will be unveiling its AggLayer on February 23, 2024, which will take user experience and interoperability to the next level in the Polygon ecosystem. The layer uses ZK proofs for optimizing liquidity and supports glitch-free transactions across blockchains.

3. Dymension to use Cosmos’ IBC protocol for its RollApps

Cosmos is a modular blockchain that offers solutions for deploying and scaling interchains. It’s powered by the Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC) protocol and has a native token called ATOM. The Cosmos SDK comes with a diverse range of tools that lower costs, reduce gas fees, and hike the network speed.

The platform also provides solutions for the maintenance of smart contracts and dApps. Its smart contracts layer CosmWasm is based on Rust programming language. It simplifies the deployment of smart contracts and the implementation of upgrades.

Hailed as one of the best altcoins of 2024, Cosmos was recently in the news after Dymension announced that it would be leveraging the IBC protocol for deploying its RollApps which are app-specific rollups. The integration will standardize rollups while the IBC protocol will simplify their deployment.

4. Solana-supported crypto exchange clocks $1 billion in trading volume

Solana is a Web 3.0 platform where developers can find cutting-edge tools to deploy high-performance dApps. Regarded as one of the top cryptos to invest in, Solana has a lot to offer in terms of developer resources as well.

Solana has designed easy to use documentation for designing dApps and NFTs, to encourage innovative projects on Solana, and a learning center to explore new courses and hackathons.

Its native token SOL is the official medium of exchange within the Solana ecosystem. These transactions are authenticated by a network of nodes that function independently. The mechanism ensures that the on-chain data remains safe from censorship.

What many people don’t know about Solana is that it has a net carbon impact of 0%. The energy consumption of every SOL transaction is the same as that of a search on Google.

The surge of Solana’s popularity comes at a time when it is driving global impact with its partnerships and initiatives. Recently, the Solana-based Backpack crypto exchange clocked $1 billion in trading volume in its preseason beta.

该交易所于 2024 年 2 月 18 日在 X 上的一篇帖子中宣布了这一成就。Backpack 的季前节拍于 2024 年 2 月 13 日公布。该交易所根据用户的交易量确定其“排名”。

加密货币交易所是 Mad Lads NFT 背后团队的创意。


5. Cardano创始人Charles Hoskinson对质押者问题的高兴反应

Cardano 由 Ouroboros 协议提供支持,是一个开源区块链,为开发人员提供了一系列用于构建 dApp 的工具。

该平台的原生代币 ADA 用于网络上的所有交易,并且可以进行质押。




ADA 持有者可以通过作为权益池委托人或运营商来赚取加密货币奖励。


Cardano 创始人 Charles Hoskinson 在推文中表达了对 ADA 代币的乐观态度后,该平台最近成为头条新闻。

当一位 X 用户询问 Hoskinson 对可能的财政扩张的期望时,Hoskinson 用一个欢乐的动画 GIF 进行了回答。









访问 InQubeta 预售

5 种惊人的质押奖励 DeFi 代币首先出现在 BitcoinWorld 上。

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