
Defi Sector Rotation Insights


Let’s talk briefly. I originally wanted to sort out the rotation of the Defi sector that I talked about the day before yesterday last night, but personal relationship issues delayed it.In the past month, I have been constantly emphasizing that the Defi sector will enter a period of growth. I also reminded everyone on the 22nd to wake up from the rise in WLD and invest in the Defi sector. This is a sector that I am optimistic about in the long term, but Uni, the old bastard, is still a little bit big brother. Unexpectedly, it was said in the past that the Defi sector would have good updates and iterations.Due to emotional reasons, I didn’t have time to sort out the articles on the forum yesterday. I just hunted some targets in the group (free group). Don’t say that I cut leeks.1. 1inch is a good target, and the project side is smart enough that we will see the 1inch project side making swing profits almost from time to time.2. CRV was not liquidated as the article emphasized in the previous month. At that time, everyone was very panicked. I didn't refute or reply to someone who was not optimistic at the time, but it didn't matter. Reality proved that I was right, and there were iterations.3. CETUS is a good benchmark. It has not yet been listed on Binance and is on the sui chain. Before doubling, it has told many people that it will have a good increase (it is very likely to become a 100-fold coin on the sui chain in this round). )4. I told you in the past that if you like any coins in the DeFi sector, you should immediately invest in them. I don’t know if you are interested in them. Let me wake up your memories. MKR, AAVE, CRV, 1inch, COMP, SUSHI, etc.This also proves that I didn't let everyone miss a mark in the past month. The script is evolving just like what our article said. Thank you for your likes. In the days to come, I will continue to share and export the Bitcoin second-layer network and various ecosystems. DEFISECTORROTATIONINSIGHTS

热点: DEFI

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