
Common Problems in Bull Market Experience


I found that everyone's common problem is that they have not experienced a bull market. Everyone remember to collect and repost.First, I don’t know what a bull market is like, and I think it is a bull market if it keeps rising.Second, no matter how much you talk, you will panic as soon as it falls and ask: Are there any more cows? How low did it fall?Third, if you are trapped, you will hold on to it, and if you are untied, you will run away, and the cycle continues.Fourth, I know it is a bull market but I am afraid of falling. I don’t know what opportunities are. I dare not buy if it goes down. But I wonder what to buy and what to plan when it goes up.The fifth and most frightening thing is to regard currency speculation as a hobby, and also fantasize about getting rich suddenly. You work hard for only one hundred and eighty yuan, and you can't bear to eat or wear it, but you have to pay tens of thousands for loans or wages. I don’t take it seriously, I don’t want to think and learn, I just want answers. Everyone needs to understand that what we make must be someone else’s loss. Why do you think you want to make money from other people’s pockets without other people’s efforts?Wake up, young people! Don't waste a good bull market.


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